Monday, June 12, 2023

A Winter not-so-wonderland


A while between updates.  Sorry about that.  Herewith some miscellaneous notes.

Watched movie THE BLACK RAVEN  [1943]
"The bridge is out, you'll have to stay the night." How many old movies has this situation turned up in??
In this B-movie from the PRC studio, it turns out to be an enjoyable low-budget drama benefiting from the casting of George Zucco as the sinister innkeeper and Glenn Strange as his not-too-bright handyman.  A group of strangers are isolated by a storm, despite their varying reasons for wanting to cross the border.  Thrills and mystery ensue.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.   Worth a look.

I didn't mind having a widow's peak when I was in my fifties (hey, if it's good enough for Doc Savage...), but now I am in my seventies my receding hairline makes me think.  The first thing that comes to mind are those Superman comics I used to read as a child.  Time travellers from the future always had bulbous heads, as though their brains were so large they made their skulls bulge.  That's my story anyway.
The lead-up to Easter was always going to be a busy week.  This year I had the weekly Tuesday night quiz, the fortnightly Wednesday study group, the monthly Missions meeting on Thursday, the annual Good Friday service, the weekly op-shopping on Saturday and the annual Easter Sunday service,  followed by a lunch with friends down the river. By the time I got home Sunday afternoon I went straight back to bed.
Winter draws near.  We had some showers in the morning and maybe some snow on the mountain (couldn't see).  By the time I set off for church there was a faint rainbow in the sky and I aimed the car towards it.  After the morning service, commiserated with other church-goers about the break-in we had at the church hall.  Apparently a man has been arrested for committing five burglaries in one night.   You may deplore his morals but you have to admire his work ethic.
Dozed in my chair for a while after lunch then did some boxing-up of stuff.  Books, movies, CDs, etc etc.  I had dinner and watched a Mexican horror movie  -- didn't enjoy it much, since it was the third in a trilogy and they spent a lot of time harking back to the first two in the series.  Meh, should have had an early night instead.   [May 22nd]
This Sunday had the feel of the winter months ahead.  I came home from church and had lunch, then dozed off for a while in my chair.  When I woke up, I had to rush outside and feed the animals before it got dark.  So far so good.  But when I got back inside I started sneezing and sniffling for over an hour (I must have gone through half a box of Kleenex).  Fortunately I remembered I had a bottle of tablets from last winter, so I took a dose of Cenovis Immunity (Garlic, Horseradish and C Complex).
I was all right by the time I went to bed, but I do recall that last winter I used to wear a mask not just to protect me from Covid but to keep the cold winds out of my face.  I suspect I'll do the same thing this year.
What is that strange humming noise?  It died away in the afternoon after being audible most of last night.  Puzzling. 

The Hum

As they said on SEINFELD once, sometimes one of your friends is up and one of them is down.  That's certainly true today.  I spoke to Keith Curtis on the phone and he is quite unwell this week, so no visits to the op shops for him in the immediate future.  Then when I looked at Facebook this morning what do I find but Ian Grieve has been awarded the Order of Australia medal for his thirty years researching Australian radio history; probably the equivalent of an MBE in the old system.
So it's "Congratulations" to Ian,  and "Get Well Soon" to Keith.  God bless you both!