Thursday, November 20, 2008

just lazing around

People kept saying to me “So, what will you do with all that extra time once you retire?” Let me think...

Last Thursday for example, I looked at the calendar and said to my sister Julie “Look at the date. We have to be at Parliament House in 45 minutes!” We rushed in to town to take the tour arranged by Adult Education followed by morning tea with the Speaker of the House.

Then we went to Julie’s house to feed her animals and swung by my sister Pauline’s place to pick up a mobile phone we’d left there the night before. After that we drove in to the church office; I may not work there any longer but Julie still had things to do in the church library.

From there we went on to dinner with friends at Claremont. We played cards with them for a while after watching the thunder over the hills.

And before I went to bed, I had to write 1,700 words for this year’s National Novel Writing Month.

All that extra time? Don’t think it will be a problem.


This year’s NaNoWriMo story was a difficult one to get started. It’s the fourth year I’ve done it, but I’ve never had so much trouble getting off the ground. I don’t even have a title for it.

I suspect that this year my creativity fuel-tank was so low that it kept running out before I could refill it each week. In fact the first week I kept thinking to myself “I’m getting bored with this story” - that’s never happened before.

But once I passed the halfway mark I started to pick up speed a bit. What’s still difficult is when you’re typing it late at night and you think “How much more have I got to go?” 500 words.. 400 words.. 300 words.. It can be arduous getting those last few sentences out.


Listened to the Theatre Organ Showcase on 96FM. Ah, the mighty Wurlitzer! Another great show. Where else will you hear the theme music from ‘Paul Temple’ and ‘Things to Come’ one after the other? You can download it at the link below:


OisinFeeley said...

Hi Mike,

This is a pretty random question, so first of all apologies for jumping into your blog like this.

I read a post by you[1] made in 2007 in which you mention that you had found a four-part radio serialisation of _That Hideous Strength_.

I have been searching high and low for the original BBC Radio 4 dramatisation recorded in 1989 and broadcast in 1990 (as opposed to the ones merely narrated by various readers). The information I have is that the one I'm looking for is produced by Nigel Bryant, dramatised by Stephen Mallatratt and starring: Kathryn Hurlbutt, Andrew Wincott and Steve Hudson.

Is this what you have? If so where on earth did you get it?

Many thanks for any information you have.


Mike Hobart said...

Yes, the four-part version I have was broadcast on the BBC's Classic Serial time-slot beginning 21 January 1990.

I could tell you where I got it, but then I'd have to kill you....

OisinFeeley said...

Oh no! I'm drawing the appropriate conclusions ....

However I'll point out that no one appears to sell this particular version. All the audio book stores have are two different narrated versions, fine in their own right I'm sure, but not what I'm looking for. I heard it during it's original broadcast and went back to read C.S. Lewis' more serious works as a result. I tried to find someone with their own audiocassettes recorded during the first broadcast but so far no luck.

If you relent and feel like sharing some secret info with me then oisin DOT feeley AT gmail DOT com would deeply appreciate the chance to hear this gem again. Meanwhile the Beeb are re-broadcasting _Out of the Silent Planet_, which isn't a patch on their adaptation of _That Hideous Strength_. Best wishes.

OisinFeeley said...

Hi Mike,
I just saw your post asking for my email address. It is:

I may have sent this before, but I'm unfamiliar with how Blogger handles comments.

I am agog to see what info you can supply!

Best wishes,