Monday, November 09, 2020

Sunday the day of rest (not)

 November started off really busy.  The only day I didn't have something going on was a Friday and I'm afraid I just stayed home and rested up.   Sunday for example was non-stop.  

I started off with the morning service at church, the first time we've had communion since the pandemic started, meaning the ushers were wearing gloves and handing out stuff using tongs.

Then to Sunday lunch at Edith's where I was seated next to Princess Mary's lawyer who had some amusing stories about working for the Royals.

Had to drive straight home from lunch, where Mick and Helena had arrived to look over the goat enclosure.  Mick attacked some of the foliage with his sickle to make it easier for the goats to get at it. 

Next was a trip to Pat & Ian's house to pick up a chaise lounge they wanted to get rid of.  We weren't certain it would fit on the top of Mick's van but he was right, it did.  After that, Helena opened the champagne and we sat around for an hour while Mick entertained Pat and Ian with a selection of bush yarns.

About here I started to run out of steam, and when I got away I came home and went to sleep for an hour or two.  When I woke up, the only thing that stopped me from going back to bed and staying there was I hadn't had dinner yet!

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