Sunday, December 15, 2024

Winter woes

I've always said that we get the worst weather just at the end of winter, as we're about to move into Spring.  It was certainly true this year - I can't recall a year when we had so much wind.

Saturday morning it looked too wet and windy to go round the op shops, so I was ready to settle in for a quiet afternoon at home, but...
After I'd fed the chickens I was sitting down enjoying my morning coffee when there was a mighty gust of wind and something went <CRASH> overhead.  A quick inspection of the backyard showed nothing amiss, then I raised my eyes to heaven and LO the truth was revealed to me.   The wind had come in the back of the house, flown up the stairs and blown out the attic window.   The decades-old pane was now a heap of broken glass on the roof above the back door.   😟
I haven't been in the attic for some time, in fact not since I had my cataract operation,  My failing eyesight had made me cautious about climbing the stairs.  I had a second cup of coffee to give me extra get-up-and-go,  then I began the ascent.   Once I moved the fallen books off the steps and cleared away the cobwebs, it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.   I passed my desk and typewriter (both covered in dust) and went past the rows of bookshelves, pausing only to pick up some 1963 annuals featuring Dan Dare and Supercar.
The window was pretty much as I expected;  the lower pane was still intact but the upper half had vanished completely.  I rigged up a crude cardboard cover in its place and then slowly and carefully descended the staircase.  Covered in dust and cobwebs I would have looked like the family ghost to anyone who had just wandered in the back door.   I'll decide  to do about it tomorrow, I thought to myself (channeling Scarlett O'Hara).

The first Tuesday of Spring, I opened the back door and stood there for a moment, basking in the sun and the warm air.  The sun was shining, the birds were singing and a gentle breeze blew across the backyard.  I felt like a groundhog emerging from his burrow.   For the first time in a week I was able to breakfast on the patio, enjoying my tea and toast while I finished the Edgar Wallace novel I was reading on my Kindle.  I don't suppose it will stay like this for long, but it was a great start to the day.
The Australian government wants to stop underage people accessing social media.  Some are saying a whole new agency may have to be set up.  Possibly the expression "the Facebook Police" could become a real thing.  Your worst nightmare - a chatbot with a badge.
Hoped that this week might be a bit quieter, but not the way it worked out.  Tuesday and Thursday I was out driving around the op-shops with Keith ($1 CDs at Lifeline!), Tuesday night was quiz night, Wednesday I went up to New
Norfolk to visit friends on their farm while the weather was good, Friday I did the weekend shopping after I met up with a friend from Claremont who wants me to take a look at his laptop.  Saturday I plan to stay inside out of the cold weather and rehearse my reading of chapter 3 of Ecclesiastes for church on Sunday morning.   Aside from that, nothing special happening !

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