I was leaving the house yesterday evening and went through the usual mental routine of checking the essentials. "Keys? Yes. Wallet? Yes. Phone? Yes.”
I'd actually walked through the door into the driveway before I realised that instead of my mobile phone I was holding the TV remote control!
Received a nice thick parcel from ABC Radio last week. A hardcover novel, a CD, a DVD and two glossy magazines.
These were prizes from Tony Delroy's late-night radio quiz The Challenge. I haven't been phoning in lately (mobile phone charges!) but they'd reached question 24 of the 25 and I could tell it would take them a long time to get this one answered.
“Which bestselling thriller writer was a cousin of film actor Christopher Lee?”
I reached for the phone.
After the next few contestants had all gone down in flames, Tony worked around to me.
“Michael from Hobart,” he said with a certain touch of anticipation. “I think you might know this one.”
“I'm thinking about the movie The Man with the Golden Gun” I said.
“I'm thinking you might be on the right track,” he purred.
“Ian Fleming.”
“Correct! And for the win, question 25, Captain Hastings was the sidekick of which fictional detective?”
“Did he have little grey cells?”
“He very well might have.”
“Hercule Poirot.”
“Correct! The prizes will be on their way out to you tomorrow. Congratulations to Michael, tonight's winner.”
Speaking of radio, Tim Cox is back on the morning show after a long absence from the local ABC station. I guess four months was enough time off for pushing the pram. His wife Barbara Pongratz is also back at work with ABC television news.
They also moved house during their time off, so there's been plenty to do.
They used to live across the road from me. Sometimes I still look out when I'm bringing in the newspaper half-expecting to see him walking down to catch the bus to the studio.
And which commercial television station on Sunday night announced that this was the anniversary of VE Day, which brought World War II to an end....
Whoops. Not quite right.
After discussing current events with Kay and Chris on Saturday afternoon, I feel that Kay inhabits a quite different universe to the one I know.
We were talking about the new series of Doctor Who which Chris had seen but Kay hasn't. She shook her head at the prospect, saying that obviously it was a very different programme to the one she had known. Just look at that bedroom scene they keep showing in the preview, she muttered.
"Oh no", said Chris, "that's just there for humour. It's actually a very funny scene."
She looked at him with disbelief. He went on. "There's a scene later on in which they need vinegar, so they're emptying out the jars of pickled onions in the flat belonging to Rose's boyfriend. The Doctor looks at Rose and says 'And you let this man kiss you?'. Quite a funny line."
Kay just shook her head reprovingly. "Pickled onions can actually be very nice..."
Now, I admit I can be a bit too flippant at times, finding amusing word-play or incongruities in everyday life. But Kay seems to look past most humour as though it isn't there.
There must be a happy medium between the two of us.
Listened this afternoon to a CD from
First Generation Radio Archives. This one features three music programmes.
"We pause now for a program in the public interest" - and what a
program it is: "Stand By For Music," one of the best of the
public service shows, starring The Modernaires.
Glenn Miller's musical ensemble performs a series of favorites
including "Just Like You Used To Do."
1956 - 14:40 - Public Service, sponsored by US Naval Recruiting
Advertising comes in all forms, but there is no better way to
sell a recording than to let the customer hear it first.
Realizing this, in 1932, the RCA Victor company sponsored a
series of syndicated programs titled "His Master's Voice of the
Air" featuring the latest recordings from the Victor catalog.
Here is a rare program from this series, taken from a 14"
Victrolac pressing manufactured by RCA Victor, Camden, New
Jersey. Recently released Victor records featured on the program include
"Frivolity" by the RCA Victor Concert Orchestra, Mendelssohn's
"On Wings of Song," as sung by Marjorie Fulton, and two songs
performed by Conrad Thibault.
1932 - 13:06 - syndicated, sponsored by RCA Victor
The onset of World War II had a strong impact on the way the
United States viewed the world - particularly from a business
standpoint. Long-stranding European markets, the backbone of
American imports and exports, dried up overnight, leaving the
nation to find new markets for its goods and services.
Here's a good example of the kind of musical programming that
radio featured toward the end of the war: "Saludos Amigos," a
special musical salute to our friends "south of the border."
This AFRS re-broadcast, used as a replacement for the regularly
scheduled Xavier Cugat series, is taken from an original 16" War
Department recording.
mid-1940s - 30:00 - AFRS
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